Six new partners are joining Finnish Wood Research Ltd (FWR). Manufacturers Finndomo, Huonekalutehdas Korhonen and Versowood are joining together with wood-processing machinery and equipment suppliers Jartek, Penope and Raute.

A dozen of the wood products cluster’s leading companies are now engaged in the joint research activities of the sector.

“The largest Nordic manufacturer of prefabricated wooden houses Finndomo, furniture manufacturer Huonekalutehdas Korhonen and Versowood, an innovative developer of wood products, are excellent complements to the shareholder base of FWR,” said FWR managing director Kimmo Järvinen.

The organisation is launching its first research programmes, which will focus on industrial timber construction systems and modules as well as the development of wood products and production technologies. These research programmes will establish the prerequisites for the development of new products, services and business models.

“The companies participating in the activities of FWR will, to a large extent, determine the manner in which wood construction is developed in Finland,” Mr Järvinen added.

Finnish Wood Research Ltd was established in March 2009 with the aim of spurring joint research activities in the wood products cluster.