The call is made in a new report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Timber Industries (APPG), making a strong case for using timber in construction as key to meeting emissions targets.

The report highlights the key role timber industries can play in helping the Government meet its targets for housebuilding whilst working to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

A long-term spending commitment, reform of right-to-buy and building regulations that encourage innovation in construction are amongst the recommendations to the Government made in the report.

In order to meet the skills requirement needed to build more homes, the report recommends that Government should place an increased emphasis on construction apprentices and invest in developing construction courses, bringing together skills development with technological solutions.

“This report addresses an important dilemma governments have: increase housebuilding whilst reducing carbon emissions,” said Martin Whitfield MP, APPG chair.

“The timber industry will provide skilled jobs, it can deliver sustainable and affordable homes and it should be at the forefront of addressing the climate emergency we face.”

Roy Wakeman, chair of the Confederation of Timber Industries, said capacity in the industry could be unlocked with the right policies, regulatory framework, and partnership between the public and private sectors.

“By bringing together experts from across the timber supply chain – all the way from the forest to the finished house – we will be able to make an even greater contribution,” he said.

“Timber is the proven solution to building houses quicker and better quality to help meet both the housing crisis, and lower our carbon emissions,” said David Hopkins, managing director of the Timber Trade Federation.

The report follows a UK-wide inquiry the APPG launched to explore how the timber industry can contribute towards solving the housing crisis. To download a copy of the report visit here