Uniboard, Arauco, Tafisa, Stevenswood and Interprint are among the companies so far getting behind the campaign. 

“Climate Positive” is an expression used to describe any product, process, or business that removes and sequesters more carbon from the atmosphere than it releases. It’s a benchmark IKEA plans to achieve by 2030, by changing their materials mix and reducing the carbon footprint of their retail operations. 

Other global brands are following suit, and North America’s top furniture and cabinet brands are leaning on materials suppliers to bolster their own stories. 

The campaign is pushing the message that composite wood panels already naturally store more carbon than is released in their production and use, so they are already climate positive.

Consumers and designers are increasing pressure on the furniture industry for a more powerful sustainability message. 

A website has been formed – ClimatePositiveNOW – to show the many ways the industry is helping mitigate climate change and drive healthy design, spelled out in an accessible, easy-to-share format.