Northern Ireland joinery company O’Neill Bros has just completed its latest multi-million pound project on one of Ireland’s largest timber clad buildings.

The £2.3m contract included supplying and fitting the woodwork at the newly constructed headquarters of the European Union‘s Food and Veterinary office at The Grange, Co Meath.

The building has a floor area in excess of 12,500m² and O’Neill Bros managing director Manus O’Neill described the job as the company’s most challenging to date.

‘The whole process involved careful planning and, above all, the treatment and application of American white oak which was dried in kilns in North America before being shipped to Liverpool,’ he explained.

Each plank was carefully inspected before selection. They were cut, shaped, bundled and treated in pressurised containers, then given another couple of coats of protective stain before being transported to the site. Once in situ they were given a final protective coating.

Mr O’Neill said there were some problems sourcing materials specified for the project, but the internet proved a great help.

As well as the external joinery works, the company was awarded part of the internal package which included desks, reception counters, and boardroom, conference and dining room tables. Native species such as beech, ash, maple and cherry were used extensively throughout.