Geoff Osborne, managing director of Clarks Wood Company in Bristol died on April 25 after a long illness which he bore with courage. He was 59.

He had been in the timber trade all his life, starting at Denny Mott & Dickson before joining Clarks Wood at the age of 25 where he came under the supervision of Ron Lewis for the start of a working partnership that lasted 34 years. Within this period the company prospered and became well respected throughout the trade.

Geoff Osborne started within the company as internal sales and rapidly progressed to external representative then sales manager. He was appointed a director of Clarks Wood in 1984. As the industry changed, he championed the environmental issues of sustainable timber, and was involved from the outset with FSC and its effects on world communities supported by the WWF. He was a long-term genuine supporter of the Timber Trades’ Benevolent Society and served a term as chairman of the local Timber Trade Federation committee.

He is survived by his wife Sue and two sons, one of whom now lives in Canada.

Over the years Geoff and Sue Osborne became involved in an orphanage in Cambodia and anyone wishing to make a donation should make cheques to The Cambodian Orphans and send to Thomas Davies Funeral Directors, Southville Lodge, Southville Road. Bristol BS3 1DJ

Geoff will be missed as a father, husband, champion for the timber trade and much respected friend and colleague.