Timber Trade Federation president Stephen King addressed about 79 industry guests attending the Plywood Club of London’s annual charity Christmas dinner on December 9.

"The end result of this process may not be a full blown merger," he said.

The result could be a significant umbrella organisation, he added.

"Beyond these walls the situation is being watched. Government would like to see a lot of consolidation to industry and if we can take a small step in this direction it could be a really good thing."

A consultation exercise early in the New Year will see a number of open events including in London and Manchester where TTF and BWF members will have a chance to ask questions.

"This is not behind closed doors with smoke and mirrors. It’s import we consult.

"But maintaining the status quo would be sad in my personal opinion.

"Discussions are very positive. There is a desire to come together in some way. We know there are many other timber organisations watching this closely."

Mr King also told the dinner that he met recently with Michael Kearney, enforcement project officer of the National Measurement Office, which is policing the implementation of the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR).

"The Far Eastern supply chain is something they are going to focus on more and more. As friendly as the NMO is, they are there to ultimately police the aspects of the EUTR."