A pocket-size guide for using wood in interior design has been produced by wood. for good to inspire architects, designers and specifiers.

About 7,000 copies of the ‘Design With Wood’ publication, crammed with ideas and information on how to transform interiors using wood, have been mailed out with the December edition of Blueprint magazine.

An advert in interior design magazine FX provided readers with a contact number to request guides, while a further 2,500 emails have been sent out to designers informing them of the publication.

Design With Wood includes an “experiments” section showing new developments, including the combination of wood with coloured acrylic, electro-plating with precious metals and the creation of stunning organic forms.

&#8220The guide provides interior designers with an excellent starting point for working with wood”

Charles Trevor, wood. for good managing director

It features an interview with designer Daniel Weil, of Pentagram Design, who is passionate about working with wood. A technical summary covering durability, fire performance, the way timber is cut and its colour properties is also included, along with advice on choosing the right wood.

Other features include a gazetteer of the main timbers used in UK interiors, an overview of wood floors, a guide to lacquers and paints and information on penetrating oil treatments and veneers.

Wood. for good managing director Charles Trevor said: “It provides interior designers with an excellent starting point for working with wood, combining technical information with design inspiration. We think designers will find it an essential tool which will enable them to specify wood with confidence.”