The website of UK wood promotion programme wood. for good is receiving more hits than at any time in the campaign’s five year history.

Since January 2005, has seen a significant growth in visitors, with almost 5,000 people now logging on every month, visiting more than 45,000 pages between them.

During the first quarter of 2005 visitor numbers soared by 44% compared to the same period a year ago.

A significant increase was recorded in September 2004 when wood. for good launched its Changing Attitudes environmental campaign, which included high-profile media advertising displaying the website address prominently.

Evaluation of visits shows the website has become an important source for reference. People are staying on the site for short durations but return frequently.

Managing director Charles Trevor said: “The aim of the website has always been to provide a source of high quality information that enables homeowners and construction professionals to learn more about the possibilities of building with wood.”

“These figures show that the site is receiving a lot of visitors, and that the information is valuable to them.”