Rorvik Timber is planning to build a new sawmill in Sweden to increase productivity.

The facility is planned for either the Norrköping or Oxelösund municipalities, and will join the timber group’s other 11 existing operations across the south of Sweden, including at Myresjö, Sandsjöfors, Tranemo, Tvärskog, Boxholm and Linhem.

It is expected that the construction of the new sawmill will also create scores of jobs in the surrounding area as well as furthering the company’s operations, which record a year-on-year profit increase of SKr22m in 2006 to SKr65m.

Per Rodert, Rorvik Timber managing director, said that the company planned to invest SKr300m by 2009 in order to increase production capacity to one million m³.

“The objectives of the programme are to increase our competitiveness via reducing the production costs,” said Mr Rodert.