SAM Mouldings has become the first company to win the UK Business Excellence Award a second time.

The Business Excellence competition, run by the British Quality Foundation (BQF), is open to all sizes and types of business.

Entrants have to submit a 75-page analysis of their business operations and results over the past five years. Assessors then spend time at the company interviewing staff to verify the report and collect further information.

The results were announced on October 24 at a special ceremony attended by 600 people at the London Hilton Hotel in Park Lane.

SAM Mouldings won its first UK Business Excellence Award in 2000.

“Never in my life did I expect to be up here again, but I’d like to thank all those who worked so hard to get us back on this stage,” said SAM managing director Sam McCrea on accepting the award. “It creates a great pride in the company and we have also gained so much from the process of entering for the award.”

SAM Mouldings was launched in 1990 and its sales of MDF architectural mouldings to the housebuilding and home improvement markets in the UK and the Republic of Ireland are now worth £20m a year. It employs 130 people at its Antrim site and says it has plans for further expansion.

It has also achieved Investors In People Champion status and won the Northern Ireland Quality Award and European Business Excellence Award.