A £1m Highland schools contract has enabled Dundee door manufacturer McTavish Ramsay to foster a relationship with two construction firms as it looks to expand into key Scottish markets.

McTavish Ramsay has identified the Inverness and Aberdeen areas as providing market opportunities, with Tulloch Construction and Morrison Construction both operating extensively in the cities.

The door and doorset manufacturer developed its relationship with the two contractors during the two-year schools project, which included supplying a range of products to a number of school projects across the Highlands. It is now hoping to develop new business opportunities with them.

“That experience has helped us forge closer links with these firms and we have generated valuable contacts with them,” said Gordon Urquhart, sales manager at McTavish Ramsay.

“We hope to develop these relationships even further into the future and continue to provide the high level of service and expertise that these firms are looking for in their varied building projects across the country.”