The preliminary estimates of personnel reduction include 650 job losses in Finland, 750 from Sweden, 850 from the rest of Europe (excluding Nordic countries) and 250 from outside Europe.

The staff reductions are across all business areas, include the earlier announced €30m streamlining of the Building and Living Business area.

The plans are subject to co-determination negotiations with staff.

Stora Enso emphasised the plans did not include any capacity reduction.

"This new round of streamlining is understandably very difficult for our employees, who have already experienced several cost-saving programmes in the recent past," said Stora Enso CEO Jouko Karvinen.

"However, we have to respond to weakness in the European economy, structurally shrinking markets in some of our businesses and our poor profitability."

Stora Enso reported that streamlining in the Building and Living division had progressed well and most decisions had been taken.
The company first announced it was launching group restructuring in April.