Swedish trade fair organiser Elmia AB is linking international forestry contractors with forest managers and owners in southern Sweden to help deal with windblown timber in the wake of devastating January storms.

Elmia, which runs the international forestry fair Elmia Wood 2005, said it has been “inundated” with calls following the January 8-9 storms which blew down some 75 million m3 of forest.

A noticeboard has been posted on its website, www.elmia.se/wood, where both contractors and fellers can place their details. It has also marketed the facility via contractor channels in Finland and Germany, the latter of which has shown an interest in helping clear the trees.

The company said its marketing campaign for Elmia Wood, just under way, makes it possible to reach most of the contractors and forest workers in the countries.

&#8220Hopefully we can persuade foreign contractors to come to Sweden to help with the storm clean-up”

Torbjörn Johnsen, Elmia business area manager

Torbjörn Johnsen, Elmia’s business area manager, said: “Hopefully we can persuade some of them to come to Sweden to help with the storm clean-up. When Germany was hit by major storm damage, Swedish contractors went down there with their machinery to help out.”

Meanwhile, the demonstration area for Elmia Wood escaped the storms with just marginal damage. Only one exhibitor will have to be relocated for the June 1-4 show.