Harvey Wood from Meanwood won the under 20 category and Matthew Bradshaw from Wortley won the over 20 category. Jeremy Carter, who also attends the college, finished second in the over 20s category.

In total more than nine students from the north of England entered the competition. They had to produce a framed, ledged and braced door with louvres using drawings supplied by the IOC. Later in the year a team of judges at the London Building Craft College will select an overall winner from all the participating regions in the UK.

Leeds College of Building’s carpentry and joinery lecturer Joe Clancy said: "This competition is about producing top quality work rather than being a race to finish first and Harvey, Matthew and Jeremy all recognised this and did extremely well. To have students from our college winning in both age groups is a great achievement and demonstrates the incredibly high level of skill and craftsmanship that we instil in our students."