A 16-page Timber in Architecture supplement has been published to reinforce the credentials of timber in building and design.

The supplement, intended to encourage architects and designers to consider using timber, has been produced by wood. for good in association with the Architects’ Journal, which has an ABC readership of 16,441.

Commercial and domestic buildings are profiled to demonstrate the versatility and durability of timber, with each project providing technical specification on the type of timber used and its integration into the overall design.

The supplement contains two pages of news and four in-depth case studies and technical drawings.

Projects featured include Darlaston Swimming Pool, which is constructed with laminated veneer lumber, spruce veneer Kerto deck in the interior design and Douglas fir on the exterior.

An Austrian house is also presented as the archetype of building with softwood.

Various structural frame works by Cowley Structural Timberwork are featured including pods at Peckham Library, Fosters London School of Economics building and a node of a Sikh temple.

The company’s managing director Gordon Cowley said there was ‘excitement’ among architects about using timber in design, especially because of its agility compared with other materials.

He said the relaxation of compulsory competitive tendering and the introduction of best value principles were helping timber’s case.

Copies of the supplement are available by calling 020 7498 8211.