Within the first issue of every month, you can now regularly advertise your timber or timber product within TTJ’s newest feature.
The new ‘Timber for Sale’ feature, will give companies the regular opportunity to place an advert within TTJ and reach over 23,000 potential buyers
You can have an advert just like these for only £49 per month.
(a discount of £121 per month from our normal prices)
All that we ask in return is that you place an advertisement in six issues – i.e. one advert per month, for six months.
We offer a completely free advert creation service and we will send a proof to you prior to publication to check that you are happy with the finished result.
You can even opt to change your advert twice in the six month period.
To discuss or place an advert in this new feature please contact:
John Andrews
Tel: +44 (0) 208 269 7769 or via email on: jandrews@ttjonline.com