Timbmet has struck an exclusive deal with Uruguayan timber company Urufor to be the sole supplier of its “Red Grandis” brand of eucalyptus grandis in the UK and Irish markets.

The 100% FSC-certified plantation hardwood is a high-grade clear timber aimed at the furniture, cabinets, mouldings, window and door frame manufacturing industries.

The species has recently completed independent third-party testing through TRADA, where it achieved Durability class 2 – durable to moderately durable.

Timbmet customer Fairoak Timber has been trialling the wood in door and windows manufacture.

Fairoak production manager Chris Johnson described red grandis as an “excellent alternative to sapele; it has similar properties but is less expensive – saving us, and ultimately our customers, money”.

Other companies also supply the eucalyptus grandis species in the UK.