A dramatic drop in demand for timber packaging and pallets has been reported at the Timber Packaging and Pallet Federation (TIMCON) general meeting.

John Dye, president of TIMCON, told the March 3 gathering in Derby that the difficult economic climate had caused huge implications for supply chains throughout the world and that businesses in the timber and timber packaging industry must speak with a common voice to tackle the challenges.

“TIMCON is continuing to monitor and advise its members on the situation,” said Mr Dye.

“We are also working with ConFor and wood for good to lobby politicians in Scotland, England and Wales, specifically to highlight for them the value of timber and timber packaging to Britain, as an employer and generator of income.”

Meanwhile, members heard TIMCON was continuing to work closely with plant health experts, the Forestry Commission and its European association FEFPEB to influence both the proposed extension of ISPM 15 phytosanitary regulations to include intra-European pallet movements and the redrafting of the global ISPM 15 standard.