The Timber Trade Federation‘s Education, Training and Careers Committee has set up three working divisions to assess training provision and raise awareness of training and careers opportunities in the industry.

Chaired by Rob Simpson, managing director of SCA Timber Supply, the committee has formed into three sub-groups, all including TTF members, with additional input from education and training providers, PR and media professionals, technical trade bodies, the Institute of Wood Science and the Forest Education Initiative.

The Education and Entry group will collate information on available courses – relating these to jobs – and training provision for people who go for direct entry into the trade.

The Career Development group will define job descriptions and look at career paths and continuing professional development opportunities in the sector.

The Communication group will focus on promoting timber industry careers and training provision to potential new recruits and the value and availability of continuing training to those already working in the sector. One of its first projects is the development of an education website, provisionally called The Doorway.

“Our committee is dedicated to producing positive results for members as quickly as possible,” said Mr Simpson. “We all want to employ effective, motivated people whether we’re looking for new recruits, improving skills with current staff or looking to hand on a business to the next generation.”