A partnership between Forest Civil Engineering and Nottingham University has been offered the largest sum of £232,500 towards a study into the performance of forest and public roads under timber transport traffic. The work will look at how the interaction of weather and use by timber lorries affects the load-bearing capacity of minor public roads and forest roads.

In addition, some £94,000 is being made available to the Argyll Timber Transport Group to develop the area’s strategic route network. The SKOTKA South of Scotland timber logistics programme has been offered £68,900 to design, build and evaluate a comprehensive computerised timber haulage route scheduling system, while a further £25,000 is being provided to help analyse current timber transport issues in the Stirling and Tayside area, possibly including a review or revision of timber route maps.

Available until the March 31, 2008, the fund is managed by Forestry Commission Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Executive and is accessed by applying to the Strategic Timber Transport Scheme.