The body representing the trussed rafter sector in the UK is embarking on a new partnership with The Timber Trade Federation (TTF).

The Trussed Rafter Association (TRA) has commissioned the TTF to provide it with a new administration service, with TTF head of technical and trade policy Nick Boulton becoming TRA director.

By employing the TTF for secretariat duties, the TRA said its members could be assured the office was manned on a full-time basis with an expert team at their disposal.

TRA chairman Philip Bell assured members that the new initiative did not constitute a merger or joint enterprise and the TRA would remain an autonomous organisation.

“This new agreement will allow us to focus on what we do best – representing the UK trussed rafter industry – while making the most of the TTF’s expertise in administrating a large organisation,” said Mr Bell.

TTF chief executive John White described the agreement as a great strategic opportunity, with the new relationship strengthening the work of both organisations.