The London Hardwood Club met for its annual luncheon at The Honourable Artillery Company in London on January 17 and TTBS general manager Ivan Savage was among the 145 members and guests who attended.
A grand raffle was held after the lunch, with a substantial prize fund of £800, together with a turned wooden gift, produced and donated by Jack Furtado. Together £2,675 was raised to be shared equally between the TTBS and the Alzheimers Society.
Mr Savage would like to thank all the attendees for purchasing raffle tickets on the day and also Jack Furtado and all the prize fund sponsors: Associated Timber Services Ltd, Brooks Bros (UK) Ltd, Danzer UK Ltd, LDT, Morgan Timber, Norman Global Logistics Ltd, Timbmet Ltd and Tradelink Wood Products Ltd. He would also like to thank all the five prize winners, who generously donated their cash prizes back to the charities.
Also last month, CB North Ltd of Hull, supplier of timber, sheet materials and timber engineered products, was awarded the 2013 Supplier of the Year Award by the Redrow Homes Group, for its outstanding service to developments in the Yorkshire and Humberside region and donated its £250 prize money to the TTBS.
Mr Savage would like to congratulate the CB North team on their achievement and to thank the directors and staff for their generous donation to the Society.