Mr North has stepped down after 14 years as a trustee, although his involvement with the TTBS started nearly 60 years ago.

He began his career at CB North in 1959 and joined the Humberside TTBS social committee in the same year. He was committee secretary for several years and regional president in 1974 and 1991.

Mr North also served as chairman of the Importers Section of the Fibre Building Board Federation and chairman of the Yorkshire & Humberside Panel Products Association. He retired from CB North in 1995 and became TTBS national president in 1998 and 1999.

“It’s been a delight to have him as a senior trustee and I am grateful for his guidance,” said TTBS president and general manager Ivan Savage.

Ian Menzies now becomes senior trustee and TTBS North-west president Barbara Cartwright, of AB Lewis, has been appointed as a trustee. She was national president from 2005-2006.

Existing trustees David Francis of DHH Timber Products, and Richard Bagnall of Robbins Timber will continue in their roles. “The trustees do a fantastic job and at their own expense,” said Mr Savage.

Mr Savage told the meeting that the TTBS’s funds ended last year with a healthy balance and that money needed to be protected for the future.

“This is the family silver; we need to protect this money as much as possible for the future. The TTBS has been operating for 120 years and we want to see another 120 years,” he said.