Importers, agents, distributors, manufacturers and logistics companies attended the event, including good representation from abroad – such as Vandecasteele Houtimport, Wijma and Rougier International from Europe, as well as Robinson Lumber, Baille Lumber and Northwest Hardwoods from North America.

LHC president Rupert Walker updated guests with highlights from the club’s year, including the successful regular market meetings and special guest presentations. He also summarised the current situation on the market before introducing Roger East, of East Bros, who talked about his time as a Premier League referee. 

There was brisk conversation at the event between attendees about the current state of the hardwood market. Many spoke of difficult market conditions in the months leading up to Christmas and while challenges still persist, there were some hopeful comments that Q2 could see more stability.

A cash prize raffle raised more than £3,000 for charitable causes.