The UK Timber Frame Association has updated its website with a wealth of new features in response to overwhelming enquiries from private builders, housing associations and the public.
A major development on the site, which is recording about 50,000 hits per month from across the world, is a search facility to help link people with industry contacts.
Web users can specify a project location, size of development, building type and services required, and a search is made for appropriate timber frame manufacturers, providing contact details, e-mail and website hyperlinks and Q-Mark status.
UKTFA chief executive Bryan Woodley said: “Timber frame is the fastest growing mainstream method of construction in the UK today and therefore it is important that good up-to-date information is readily available to the broadest possible cross-section of the community.”
For self-builders, an interactive facility searches for a suitable plot of land from more than 6,000 choices nationwide, while a section for builders and developers contains technical performance details and articles about the success of timber frame.
Other features of include a media area, complete with industry news coverage, a help desk with frequently asked questions and a soap box where UKTFA members can air their views. The members’ area also contains updates on UKTFA activities.