Weyerhaeuser Company has moved closer towards its goal of worldwide certification of all its operations.
With the recent certification of South Island Timberlands, all of the company’s forest operations in British Columbia are now certified to the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) standard.
The company has also certified three of its BC coastal group sawmills to the ISO 14001 standard.
Stillwater Timberlands also recently certified half of the public land portion of its operation to the Canadian Standards Association‘s (CSA) Sustainable Forest Management system standard. Having certified almost 2.1m ha, Weyerhaeuser has the largest area of CSA certified forest operations in British Columbia.
More than 9.9m ha of the forests Weyerhaeuser manages in Canada, the US and New Zealand have been certified to the ISO 14001, Sustainable Forestry Initiative and/or CSA standards.