American hardwoods feature strongly in Wood Awards entries

23 July 2009

Five of 43 shortlisted projects for this year’s Wood Awards feature American hardwoods.

American black walnut features in staircase detailing at a private house in south London, shortlisted in the awards’ Private category, while American white oak was used in Cardiff’s Hoddinott Hall – the new home for the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, which is in contention for the Commercial and Public Access prize.

The Furniture category shortlist includes Credenza, a storage and display piece in bird’s eye maple and American black walnut.

Tulipwood features in two other shortlisted projects – the Sclera pavilion built for the 2008 London Design Festival (Best Small Project), and Philip Koomen’s Wave and Splash bench featuring in the Hay Festival (Furniture category).

The Credenza bird's eye maple and American black walnut shortlisted entry The Credenza bird's eye maple and American black walnut shortlisted entry
American white oak at Hoddinott Hall American white oak at Hoddinott Hall