Better year forecast for trussed rafters

5 March 2013

The trussed rafter industry should experience a better economic performance in 2013 than last year based on various housebuilding forecasts, Trussed Rafter Association (TRA) members have heard.

The 61 people attending last Thursday's AGM were also told how the new TRA website could give them commercial benefits, while a panel of guest speakers outlined the carbon debate taking place in construction circles across the UK.

TRA chairman Paul Baron said the Construction Products Association had upped its growth forecast for UK housing starts to 4.5% in 2013, while Experian had revised its own projections upwards to 7% growth.

He predicted 2013 would be better than 2012 but it would not be a gamechanger for the trussed rafter sector.

A demonstration of the new TRA website, an £8,000 investment, showed members how the resource could promote their products and services.