Search Results: 'PEFC'

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  Date 2018
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Staying engaged with EU opportunity
17 December, 2018
Regardless of Brexit, the UK timber sector must cultivate, maintain and improve relationships with colleagues across the rest of Europe, writes Keith Fryer Buildbase forest products development manager

Hardwood calm amid brexit storm
17 December, 2018
Brexit may make the hardwood sector’s outlook unpredictable, but traders are “still hitting good numbers”. Mike Jeffree reports

Staying engaged with eu opportunity
17 December, 2018
Regardless of Brexit, the UK timber sector must cultivate, maintain and improve relationships with colleagues across the rest of Europe, writes Keith Fryer Buildbase forest products development manager

Secrets of success
17 December, 2018
Nick Latham is chairman of James Latham plc. Stephen Powney interviewed him at the Hemel Hempstead head office and found a man determined not to let the company rest on its laurels

Softwood Soothsaying
17 December, 2018
The annual International Softwood Conference (ISC) is always a great window on performance and prospects of the European softwood sector. This year’s event detailed both opportunities and risks facing markets

Surface currents
22 November, 2018
Dave Huggins, business development director at IDS talks about the trends in the panel sector

A cure for treatments?
25 October, 2018
The TTF’s Preservative Treatment Action Plan aims to raise levels of transparency and knowledge across the supply chain from producer to builder. TTJ investigates how TTF members, and their customers, are reacting to the Federation’s proposals

Forests in fashion
25 September, 2018
The demand for clothing is growing, and there is increasing pressure on the fashion industry to produce sustainable and recyclable items as an alternative to traditional textiles. A clear way forward, maintains the PEFC, is to increase the use of fibres from sustainably managed forests. Hannah Price, PEFC international communications officer reports

Forests in fashion
25 September, 2018
The demand for clothing is growing, and there is increasing pressure on the fashion industry to produce sustainable and recyclable items as an alternative to traditional textiles. A clear way forward, maintains the PEFC, is to increase the use of fibres from sustainably managed forests. Hannah Price, PEFC international communications officer reports

Globalised hardwood market brings pressures
27 August, 2018
In the words of one importer, global demand for hardwood of all kinds is on the rise, and the UK trade has to deal with the consequences. Mike Jeffree reports

Greenpeace signals new direction on certification
18 April, 2018
When Greenpeace International became one of the founding members of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) back in 1993 it was a landmark moment.

Greenpeace signals new direction on certification
18 April, 2018
When Greenpeace International became one of the founding members of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) back in 1993 it was a landmark moment.

A tale of two winters
21 March, 2018
While the late and sudden onset of winter has hampered trade in the UK, the colder weather has eased log extractions and access to raw material from supplying countries. Jerry Wilson reports

It’s a wrap
26 February, 2018
Timber and wood-based cladding is not only growing in popularity, but diversity too. Mike Jeffree reports