Walter Mennie, former sales director of John Woyka Ltd, died on February 18. One of his colleagues, Keith Crichton, remembers him.

“My first meeting with Walter Mennie was in the offices of John Woyka and Co Ltd in Glasgow. Immediately I knew I was in the presence of an extraordinary individual and so it turned out to be.

His knowledge of the trade: his relationship with customers and colleagues was second to none. He was a caring man, passionate about his business, with the ability to enthuse all around him.

The tales of his outstanding sales achievements are well known – however, it was his constant encouragement, his imparting of knowledge coupled with this unflagging enthusiasm that made the company such a dynamic force in the timber trade in Scotland.

Not only was he supreme on the sales side, but a canny individual when it came to purchasing. Yes, price was important but, to Walter, it was as vital to obtain a product that gave value for money for the company and customers.

Walter Mennie was an all rounder, a giant in his time – a deserving tribute to a dear colleague who is sorely missed.”