Sunday Telegraph business profiles generally feature big bankers, hedge funders, pharmaceuticals bosses and other usual-suspect captains of industry. But recently a timber CEO got the top of the page treatment in the person of Accsys Technologies’ Paul Clegg.

The focus of the piece was the progress to date of the Accsys business, but Mr Clegg took the chance to notch up points for timber too. He highlighted that it’s the world’s second largest commodity, versatile, flexible, and potentially carbon negative and a natural insulant and, as such, stands to capitalise on growing environmental awareness and "tougher building regulations requiring carbon and energy neutral [materials] specifications".

So what the article provided was latest proof that this industry is not only losing its old reserve and getting better at talking up timber, but also that there’s a media and wider audience increasingly open to its message.

"The Telegraph came to us," said Mr Clegg. "They seemed genuinely interested in what we had to say about wood, giving me the real impression that we’re pushing at an opening door in terms of putting its case across."

The point has also been made by the American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC). Its alliances with leading architects and designers on showpiece initiatives have already reaped major media rewards, with its Endless Stair project last year netting press coverage worth US$2m in equivalent advertising. And AHEC must stand a good chance of topping that this year, given the architect and designer luminaries signed up for its latest LDF project, led by Sir Terence Conran.

AHEC European director David Venables shares Mr Clegg’s view that there’s a receptive market for timber’s story, provided it’s told the right way for the right audience.

France’s Carrefour International du Bois show makes the point in its own style. The timber-focused event now draws 10,000+ visitors from around the world, including rising numbers from the UK and, thanks to its growing timber construction section, its audience comprises an increasing proportion of builders and specifiers, as well as the trade.

Of course, other initiatives are also stating timber’s case to great effect. Wood for Good is upping its impact through its evolving online timber LCA and technical database. Timber Expo, now entrenched as the UK industry fair, also broadens its audience reach year on year and now TRADA has a major new showcase project for the London Design Festival.

There is still a feeling, however, that timber could put its combined shoulder more forcefully behind that opening publicity door. Notably, as we’ve reported, the belief is growing that the industry should be singing from the same song sheet on key lobbying issues via a new umbrella industry body. And the case for that was made more forcefully than ever by Timber Trade Federation president Stephen King this week, in a clarion call that the industry had a "once in a lifetime" opportunity to form this powerful new, united front.

As the industry’s own media, TTJ backs any move that sows seeds for timber industry growth in what is clearly increasingly fertile market ground. In fact, as the letter inserted into this week’s edition explains, we are aiming to do our own bit for this effort with a whole new magazine format and strategy, launching in June. Our goal is to build on TTJ’s status as the timber industry forum and its key communication channel, while providing a more effective vehicle for it to address the growing timber market place. We will welcome your views on the new approach and, even more, your ideas, inspiration and input. It is, after all, your TTJ, dedicated to helping the industry exploit its growing opportunities.