Ainsworth’s OSB mill in 100 Mile, British Columbia, is back up and running again following an explosion in November.

The mill suffered an explosion on November 10 in its third dryer during routine maintenance, just one and-a-half weeks after it was commissioned to increase use of beetle-killed timber.

The mill was closed for several weeks while authorities, including Worksafe BC carried out an investigation.

Ainsworth spokesperson Bruce Gibson told TTJ that the third dryer was not operational and required repairs, but the mill was working around the clock using two other dryers.

Mr Gibson said the mill, set up to serve the Japanese market, sourced about 65-70% of its wood fibre from mountain pine beetle-killed forests.

The third dryer was commissioned specifically to separately dry the beetle-killed fibre, which generally has a lower moisure content than the other species used in the mill – aspen.

Production will be increased gradually.