The initiative, a result of co-operation between Build Center, the BWF-Certifire Fire Door and Doorset Scheme and leading fire door and fire door component manufacturers, aims to improve fire safety.

Independently approved by the BWF-Certifire Scheme, each branch has installed merchandising units for a range of fire door components, including ironmongery and intumescent seals, sited alongside fire doors.

Staff have been specially trained and tested by the BWF on all aspects of fire doors, from Building Regulations to the importance of the compatability of every component of fire door assembly.

Additional support and refresher training will be provided by the BWF and other participants in the initiative including Jeld-Wen, Dorma and Lorient

“Fire door compliance can be a complicated issue,” said Andy Sawer, Wolseley product development manager.

“Trained staff at our BWF Approved Fire Door Centres will be able to guide customers through the regulations, providing them with all the technical advice they need to ensure that the products they buy are compatible and right for their application.”

Scott Marshall, manager of the BWF-Certifire Scheme, described the initiative as “groundbreaking”.

“It leads the way in the merchandising of fire doors and components, helping to simplify the process for customers through one-to-one advice at point of sale.

“While I am sure the approach will result in increased sales of fire doors, the longer term impact that compatible and properly installed fire doors will have on protection from the devastating effcts of fire and smoke cannot be underestimated.”