The increasingly diverse range of topics addressed by the British Woodworking Federation (BWF) will be reflected at this year’s Members’ Day.

Due to be held at Leicester City football club on March 27, workshops include sourcing sustainable timber; what an HSE inspector looks for in an inspection; CE marking for windows and doors; key performance indicators for the joinery industry; and wood plastic composites.

BWF director Richard Lambert said: “I think the speakers will provoke some interesting responses. I’ve looked back over past programmes since Members’ Day started and there’s been a noticeably high level of speakers from the start.

&#8220This year we’ve taken our members at their word. They’ve told us they want topical sessions, clearly related to their business concerns, which give the practical advice and an insight into future developments.”

BWF director Richard Lambert.

“This year we’ve taken our members at their word. They’ve told us they want topical sessions, clearly related to their business concerns, which give the practical advice and an insight into future developments.”

The BWF’s AGM will take place in the morning before the main event. Non-members can be invited to the workshops as guests and the deadline for bookings is March 13.