Joinery manufacturers can find out how they can profit from the developing carbon agenda at this year’s British Woodworking Federation Members’ Day.
BRE chief executive Peter Bonfield, also the construction products leader for the Olympic Delivery Authority, will give the keynote address at this year’s British Woodworking Federation (BWF) Members’ Day.
The event, reinstated after a break last year, is being held at Loughborough University on May 27 and will focus on business opportunities from the carbon agenda. It is open to non-members for the first time.
The BWF believes the carbon agenda provides significant opportunities for the joinery industry and several workshops will be held to highlight ways in which it can help companies increase their sales and profitability.
Other workshop topics include explanation of the low carbon construction policy agenda and new energy efficiency building regulations.
Non-members who join the BWF after attending Members’ Day will have their event cost deducted from their first subscription.
For full details, visit Tickets, priced at £90 or £176.96 including accommodation and dinner, are limited. Tel: 0844 2092610 to book.