The event, one of the most popular fixtures on the UK timber trade calendar, was attended by representatives from sawmills, importers, distributors, agents and merchants.

The presence of Christmas trees, crackers, fireplaces and the customary traditional seasonal Turkey lunch in the Gladstone Library banqueting room added Christmas sparkle to the event.

LSC president Colin Grayson, sales manager of MDM Timber, told members and guests that 2023 had been a challenging year for the softwood trade but thanked companies for turning out to support the club at its various events throughout the year.

The event had its first ever literary contribution, when Chris Porcas, managing director of Kent-based merchant Forestrall Ltd, recited a poem he had written about how he first entered the timber trade more than 30 years ago.

Guest speaker and comedian Bob “The Cat” Bevan MBE entertained everyone. Bob has spoken at 77 of the 92 Premier and Football League Clubs, as well as appearing regularly on television and radio programmes over the years.

A sum of £1,685 was raised for the Great Ormond Street charity, Richard House children’s hospice and Chestnut Tree House children’s hospice care. Some £8,600 has been raised for good causes in 2023 by the LSC.

For more about the LSC visit LSCwebsite.