FEP directors came up with their assessment when they met to discuss latest market positions in April. Its definition of “parquet” is either a solid wood floor or an engineered floor with a solid wear layer greater than 2.5mm.
“When compared to the same period last year, the provisional results for the three first months of 2019 indicate stable or moderately increasing parquet consumption, except for Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom which are reporting limited declines in parquet sales,” FEP said.
FEP said while there was no shortage of raw materials, affordability was decreasing for engineered board layers (HDF, plywood).
The Netherlands recorded a 4% parquet sales decrease in Q1, while Belgium saw the same reverse in parquet consumption. Both countries and Belgium have experienced competition from “wood look” floor coverings.
Information available on the UK market points to a slight decline by 1% of parquet consumption during Q1. “The influence of the Brexit is starting to be discernible,” said FEP.
Parquet sales upturned by 4% in Germany during the first quarter 2019, while France saw its market develop slightly positively following a difficult Q4, 2018.
European parquet flooring consumption contracted by around 2% in 2018.