Mr Lennan’s career spans the private and public sector, including director general of the British Chambers of Commerce. He was responsible for merging several trade associations within the agricultural supplies industries to establish the Agricultural Industries Confederation.

A memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the TTF and BWF has been sent out for consideration by members proposing the formation of a joint company headed by a single chief executive officer. The MoU stresses that the two would continue as separate entities, but a new company would ‘bridge’ the bodies, with a board comprising up to three representatives each from the TTF and BWF governing bodies.

It makes clear the chief executive of the new company would also be joint chief executive of the TTF and BWF, supported by heads of woodworking and timber trade.

Mr Lennan’s appointment follows the resignation in July of former chief executive John White after a nine-year tenure. Mr Lennan began his career with NatWest where at one time he was deputy director of personnel and head of UK development, responsible for training, management development and succession planning. He was later director of corporate development at Surrey County Council before leading the chambers of commerce. Recently he has worked in the not-for-profit and charity sectors.