Luxury timber frame house builder Manor Kingdom recorded a 35% rise in operating profit in 2001 to £1.6m and predicts further growth this year.

The Dunfermline-based company, thought to be the first mainstream Scottish builder to break the £1m barrier for a timber frame home, projects turnover to increase by 50%-70% this year.

St Andrew, the builder Manor Kingdom bought last year, also saw an operating profit.

The timber frame manufacturing facility trebled in size in 2001 in a multi-million pound investment. A joinery and kitchen company were added, bringing everything in-house bar roof trusses.

Keith Punler, chief executive of Manor Kingdom, said: ‘People perceive timber frame to be at the cheaper end of the market in England. But in Scotland people see it as a high quality product.’

However, he said there are signs that this is beginning to change.