I-joist manufacturer Masonite Beams AB has won a major contract in France which will boost its annual sales by one million linear metres within two years.

Masonite’s new contract is with PBM – part of the Wolseley Group – which will distribute Masonite joists in France.

“We are gaining a very strong partner for distribution of our I-joists in France,” said Kjell-Allan Jonsson, Masonite Beams AB’s managing director.

“Especially good news is the fact that we are to become established in a market which has considerable growth potential for I-joists, given France’s increasing focus on environmental issues and rising energy prices.”

He said PBM’s flexible concept for distribution was based on local service companies adding engineering and design.

Wolseley France’s wood and materials division had a turnover of €1.3bn in the year ending July 31, 2007, with 350 outlets.