Pace Timber Systems Ltd is promoting health and safety in timber frame construction by requiring all its sub-contractors to become ‘certified’.

The Milton Keynes-based company launched its own Health & Safety Compliance Register with a seminar, organised in conjunction with consultant Alfred McAlpine Group Company Corporate Safety & Training (CST), for its main 12 subcontractors who specialise in the erection of timber frame developments.

The register requires builders to meet stringent parameters and regulations while working on-site. Those successfully meeting standards will receive Pace in-house certification through Alfred McAlpine Group Company CST.

The seminar also promoted the Construction Skills Certification Scheme currently being driven by the Main Contractors Group.

In addition, Pace has started a training programme for subcontractors to highlight current legislation, use of new engineered products and to meet the company’s quality standards.

Phil Key, Pace managing director, said: ‘The UK construction industry’s track record in health and safety is far from impressive. As such, it is our intention to ensure that we play our part in protecting the well-being of our own subcontractor base by making them aware of their responsibilities.’