Timber Policy is a comparative study of policies, across six countries, which can act as a powerful tool to support policy makers on their journey to decarbonise construction in the UK, and beyond.

Commissioned by TDUK and written by Waugh Thistleton Architects, this new report follows hot on the heels of the UK Government’s Timber in Construction (TiC) Roadmap, which aims to safely increase the use of timber in construction.

“What we need to see this year is ambition turned to action,” said David Hopkins, chief executive of Timber Development UK.

“This means forward looking policy – and politicians brave enough to create a framework which places value on low-carbon construction.

“Timber is the ultimate low-carbon material, and countries across the developed world have rightly recognized this – working to create comprehensive policy frameworks that support the growth of the timber industry.

“The UK Government’s roadmap is a fantastic starting point, but without more action, there is a risk the UK falls behind. We need a clear timeline for change, starting with limits on embodied carbon in buildings, which is currently unregulated.

“Our new book, commissioned by TDUK and written by Waugh Thistleton Architects, highlights the policies being put in place in a variety of countries around the world.

He urged the UK Government to look at what policies would work in the UK. “We hope that these examples give food for thought,” he added.

Andrew Waugh, director and co-founder, Waugh Thistleton Architects, said:

“While we commend initiatives like the Timber in Construction Roadmap, our research for Timber Policy reveals that current UK efforts fall short of addressing the urgency of the climate crisis,” said Andrew Waugh, director and co-founder, Waugh Thistleton Architects 

“Bold leadership, as demonstrated by progressive nations such as France, Germany, The Netherlands and Denmark, mandating limits on embodied carbon and investing in sustainable timber projects, is essential for a meaningful transition to a low-carbon future. 

“The Roadmap sets out timelines to consider options, encourage voluntary reporting, and seek advice, after which revisions to policy will be put in place. The Timber Policy Guide shows how this process has already happened in the six example countries and policies which have already been implemented. “  

This is the second in a trio of essential books, with the first edition Timber Typologies providing clarity on different timber systems. The final book in the series, Timber LCA, will demystify lifetime carbon analysis for timber buildings.