A third-party certification Q-Mark installer scheme for windows and external doorsets has been launched by BM TRADA Certification Ltd.

The scheme, designed to improve the quality and consistency of installation of windows and doorsets, will apply to new build and replacement projects.

Its requirements include an initial audit at an applicant’s headquarters to verify the ordering process and a further check on site to ensure installation meets relevant codes and procedures.

“Our scheme responds to demand from installation companies for a means of enhancing the credibility of competent firms, by differentiating between certified and non-certified installers,” said BM TRADA Certification product manager Simon Beer.

The company audit will pay special attention to training carried out by the installer.

For replacement projects, a site survey must be carried out by the installer prior to specification, with an additional audit of this survey process.

“A poor survey may lead to incorrectly specified products, additional unplanned site work, lengthy rework and ultimately customer dissatisfaction,” said Mr Beer.