Stora Enso has decided to go ahead with plans to build a €14m wood pellet plant at its Kopparfors sawmill in Sweden.

The move will make Stora Enso one of the leading players in the Swedish pellet industry, with a total capacity of 260,000 tonnes.

The company’s announcement follows a feasibility study for a pellet plant at the Kopparfors mill in February.

“As the results turned out as positive as we expected, Stora Enso has now taken a decision to realise this project,” said Elisabet Salander Björklund of Stora Enso.

“By generating a higher heat load, the pellet plant will also allow us to start producing green electricity with one of the existing turbines in our power plant.”

The Kopparfors mill will have a capacity of 160,000 tonnes. The company has on-going pellet investments in Gruvön and its Russian sawmills.