Their rejoining boosts the BMF’s membership to 500 companies. The two companies employ over 8,500 people between them and, together with the Rudridge business – acquired by Keyline earlier this year – trade from over 740 branches nationwide.

“The return of two of the industry’s largest players after a long absence is a significant milestone for the Federation,” said BMF chairman Peter Hindle MBE.

“It makes the BMF a complete representation of the merchant industry, with 39 of the top 40 companies – including every one of the top 20 companies by turnover – now in membership.”

“It is 12 years since Travis Perkins and Keyline were last involved with the BMF and much has changed in both businesses during that time,” said Andrew Harrison, divisional chief operating officer, general merchanting, Travis Perkins plc.

“We will certainly be a proactive member of the BMF.”