The Society wants to hear from any timber industry members who would be prepared to give some time to join one of its regional committees across the UK and/or be prepared to act as Beneficiary visitors.
The committees are represented on the main TTBS Board of Management and are responsible for organising numerous social events in their regions and most importantly, visiting the Beneficiaries in their area to ensure a “local” connection.
The Society is always seeking out additional Beneficiaries to assist and would also be pleased to consider new applications from any ex timber trade employee who might need assistance, having retired on a low income or having fallen on hard times due to long term illness.
Any applicants need to have served at least 5 to 10 years in the timber industry proper, be an ex employee of accredited TRA members, engineered timber companies or preservative plant operating companies.
In 2017, the Society provided over £147,000 in benefits & grants to their Beneficiaries and has capacity to expand the number of recipients.
The Society feels more could be done by companies to inform their retirees of the availability of help from the “timber trades own charity”; this particularly applies to HR departments, who invariably are the final contact with retiring or long-term sick employees.
Please contact Ivan Savage, TTBS general manager & national president for more information on or 08448 922205.