This includes stipulating that preservative treated wood is being accurately and unambiguously specified/purchased, for use or resale, and is clearly identified at all points of the chain (on orders, internal stock movement records and sales records) as fit for the intended purpose.

As a minimum this will require identification of the product as suitable for either: Interior Use only (ie. BS8417 Use Class 2); Interior or Exterior use (above ground only), (eg. Use Class 3/NTR Class AB) or all exterior applications (eg. Use Class 4/NTR Class A).

TTF will be consulting with members on how these policy objectives are best met this autumn. The aim is to develop guidance on compliance options more fully, particularly on exterior applications, in time for adoption of this policy initiative at next year’s AGM in June 2019.

The required verification data would be gathered from members as part of the existing annual return via RPP.

The move follows a collaboration last year with the Wood Protection Association (WPA) on a survey to identify the strategic priorities in order to grow demand for preservative treated timber while ensuring that quality and standards are maintained.

The scope and scale of this survey represented the most significant piece of research conducted in this sector for many years. Analysis of the responses, and discussions within the TTF’s National Softwood Division, makes it clear that treated wood quality remains top of the agenda for the market as a whole.

However, getting the correct specification and supply chain product knowledge were also identified as major issues and potential weaknesses. This was reinforced by a subsequent TTF survey of Builders Merchant Federation members where there is also a demand for improved product knowledge on added value treated wood products.

This process will help to ease specification of treated timber, raise awareness and understanding in the market, ensure that the right product is being used for the job intended.