The wood for good company is near to being wound down and the shareholders are working on a new mechanism for wood promotion in the UK.

The move follows an announcement in March that, in view of the campaign’s falling income, managing director Charles Trevor was standing down and the shareholders were reviewing the campaign. Since then wood for good employees Tony Traynor and Eve Dennehy have also left the company.

Chairman Jan Söderlind said there was a clear benefit in continuing wood for good’s “successful work”.

“The campaign has had a strong brand as well as important online and documentary resources,” he said. “Shareholders are now close to finalising a restructuring of the company and will then look to rethink how the benefits of timber can continue to be communicated to key audiences.”

A new strategy will be developed aroumd the three core themes of wood and climate change, wood solutions and information and education.

It is expected that discussion with potential partners on revitalising wood promotion will take place later this year.

For more on this see the May 30 issue of TTJ