Osmose MicroPro awarded environmental certificate

27 August 2010

Osmose’s MicroPro wood preservative technology has been awarded Greenguard Children & Schools Certification for emission standards. The certification is overseen by the Greenguard Environmental Institute, an independent, not-for-profit organisation which aims to protect human health through programmes that reduce chemical exposure and improve indoor air quality.

A major supplier of treated timber products to the play equipment industry, M&M Timber, which uses MicroPro extensively, has welcomed the new accreditation.

“Greenguard goes a long way in maintaining timber treatment safeguards,” said M&M’s managing director, Nigel Poyner. “By specifying wood treated with the Greenguard certified MicroPro technology, manufacturers of play equipment will be actively helping to build healthier play environments for children.”

M&M Timber's play equipment is treated with MicroPro M&M Timber's play equipment is treated with MicroPro