Seven softwood traders at Rowlinson Timber Ltd have all passed the Softwood Visual Strength Grading to BS 4978 CATG exam with flying colours.

Rowlinson Timber Training Academy organiser Rob John said that since the academy was launched a year ago every member of the sales team had attended the Introduction to timber course.

“The fact that our sales team have scored so highly on their Softwood Visual Strength Grading exam is a great testimony to the investment we made in 2008 for a Training Academy venue and facilities. We feel the investment is worth every penny if it ensures our customer service. The efficiency with which we can assist people on site in their yards is second to none, with every trader qualified for grading”.

CATG course examiner Keith Wyatt said it was one of the best courses he had done.

“The sales representatives were all very knowledgeable but with a range of experiences. They participated with a positive attitude and took it all on board. This is highlighted by the fact that everyone scored highly,” said Mr Wyatt.